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How To Turn AirPlay Mirroring On & Off in iOS 7

The cousins are all crowded together on the couch, leaning over somebody’s iPad. Two of the kids shove in for a closer look. Heads bump. Giggles turn into tears and accusations. If only the screen were bigger so everybody could see!

They Can See It All on Your TV

Move the iPad user close to your Apple TV. Magic is about to happen.

By the way, you could use a Mac, but in order to do so you’d have to purchase an app such as Reflector or Air Server, either of which would enable you to use Airplay Mirroring between Apple and Mac devices running on a local Wi-Fi network.

Get Your Content Ready

Whether it’s a game, a video, or photographs – whatever is on the screen of your iOS 7 device –get ready to enjoy it on the big screen of your TV. When the kids are through testing Airplay out, maybe you’ll decide to use it for your next presentation.

Open Airplay Mirroring

Swipe up from the very bottom of the screen on your iOS 7 device to open the Control Center. Tap the Airplay Mirroring icon in the center of the bottom row of controls.

Choose Your TV

All Apple TV’s that are running on the same Wi-Fi network as your device will be available for you to choose. If you have the Reflector or Air Server apps open and running on your device, your Mac will show up, too. Simply tap on the appropriate icon to Mirror what’s on your iPad to the bigger screen. Your TV may give you an Airplay passcode to be entered on your device.

It’s that simple. When you are finished, tap on the iPad icon to stop Mirroring.

Imagine Your Options

Airplay Mirroring isn’t only for iOS 7. Though the controls are found in slightly different places, Airplay can be used on any iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch running iOS 4.2 or higher. Through iTunes, it can also be used on your computer. Simply open iTunes, click on Airplay, and select all the Apple devices on your Wi-Fi network that you’d like to Mirror to.

You can Mirror from your iPhone to your iPad, from your computer to your TV. If you can do it on one screen, you can see it on the other.

What will you Mirror?

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